By now, you've probably heard the awesomeness that emanated from the mouthal orifice of Barilla CEO Guido Barilla "I would never do (a commercial) with a homosexual family, not for lack of respect but because we don't agree with them. Ours is a classic family where the woman plays a fundamental role," [... If gays]"like our pasta and our advertising, they'll eat our pasta, if they don't like it then they will not eat it and they will eat another brand," And yes, for sure, I have taken him up on this, and am no longer eating Barilla - I mean, he pretty much came out and said that right? Of course, the singularly cool bit isn't this idiocy, its Bertolli's response, which, to summarize, is this on their Facebook page The choice is obvious - Bertolli all the way! Update: There is apparently an (not a)pology along the lines of " Your honor, what he meant to say was "simply that the woman plays a central role in a family....