The Stupid! It Hurts! (Anti-Vaxxers Edition)

Lord knows I've wasted too much time on the fuckwads inhabiting the anti-vaccination ecosystem, but every now and then something opens a +3 Bag Of Egregious Stupidity , and sets me off. In this case, its the Wasington Post (motto: " Yeah, we used to be a newspaper "), with a profile of some numbnut named Wolfson who appears to be a doctor of some kind, though I have no idea how his anti-vaccination beliefs jibe with the Hippocratic Oath Oh, don't get me wrong, its not that they justify his goofy ideology - its just that they're pretty much playing into his shtick by reporting this as "news". ITS NOT NEWS YOU IDIOT! You don't do feature articles on the nutjob standing at the street-corner! You know why Because, ITS NOT NEWS! If you want to write about ballistic ignorance, write about it properly , with none of this " opinions on the shape of the earth differ " crap! To see how it should be done, go check out Albert ...