What Does Your Plate Look Like?

Are you a "tidy plate" kinda person? Or one who pretty much just loads the plate up willy-nilly, because, hey, "eating is where it's at!"? I'm actually being serious. I mean I know people who are extremely clear about their food - the potatoes can't touch the peas, and god forbid the ragù overflows and ends up touching the bread! And then again, there are those for whom "plating" basically translates to " put it on the plate, that's all there is to it! " I know, you're sitting there thinking "And, pray tell, what does this have to do with software?" Well, very broadly speaking, software folks also tend to fall into these two categories. On the one hand, you've got folks that like clarity. Give them a task list, a well documented requirement, a bug to track down, or some such, and they're happier than clams in a bake. On the other hand, you've got the folks who thrive in chaos. Ambiguous requirements, flak...