The Big Picture — and Aligning Priorities

I know this is straight from The Department of Belaboring The Obvious , but yes, the Big Picture matters. It matters regardless of where you are in the organization, it matters regardless of what your job is, and it matters regardless of what your responsibility is. /via Think of this from the perspective of Aligning Priorities . The thing is, we’ve all got our own priorities. In an ideal world, all our priorities align harmoniously, and exist seamlessly within the global priorities of the company, but, well, this is not that world. The reality is that, everybody is one step away from fizzing off in some random direction like some kind of bottle-rocket gone horribly wrong. And that is at the best of times! Mind you, this is where it helps to not have the big picture — after all, if you don’t know what the corporate goals are (and division goals, etc. etc.), you can’t be blamed for spending the best part of ...