Come the revolution, the WSJ will be first in line

This, and I swear this is true, is definitely not from The Onion . Veronica Dagher writing in the WSJ (and with an accompanying oh-so-helpful video ) explains how you can be broke on $400K/year. In Chicago. (emphasis below is all mine) They live comfortably, travel frequently and pay the mortgage on a home worth more than $1 million . They send their two teenagers to public school and put away about $12,000 a year for retirement and $10,000 for college tuition ... The couple's annual take-home income is $273,000 after setting aside money for retirement and college and after paying U.S. and Illinois income taxes... They spend $87,000 a year on their mortgage , $24,000 on property taxes, $25,000 on home maintenance and $15,000 on utilities, cellphones and other household bills...Groceries for the family of four cost $575 a week, or $30,000 a year. The family buys a new car every four years, which amounts to $15,000 a year on average, and spends $9,000 annua...