Remittances from Migrants - Visualized

Yet another gorgeous Visualization from The Guardian - showing the flow of money from migrants (in the form of remittances) worldwide. (Note that the above is just the image - for the interactive version, go to the source ) As The Guardian puts it Migrant workers have always sent money home to support family and friends. But in recent years these remittances , as they are known, have reached record highs. Officially recorded remittances are thought to have topped $500bn last year. But the World Bank estimates that the true figure, including unrecorded and informal channels, may be higher still. Government data rarely includes details on where remittances end up, and it's difficult to determine how much money being sent from Switzerland comes directly from migrant workers and how much is being routed through Swiss banks. The World Bank's Migration and Remittances Unit , led by Dilip Ratha , has tried to estimate the true size and directio...