Torture effectiveness - mistaking semantics for syntax

There are some very weird semantics associated with the question ' Does Torture Work ?', to wit " Yes It Does. I Have Proof " - The Dick (Cheney) " No It Doesn't. People Will Say Anything " - Most Everyone Else " It Works Sometimes " - The Remaining Few Who is correct? Whose theories reign supreme? Getting back to semantics, the issue ends up being, "W hat exactly do we mean by 'Work'"? and " Will you get the answer you need"? I suspect pretty much everyone agrees that If you have the correct person, and If you know the correct question, and If you torture the crap out of the person Then, you will get the correct answer. Simple no? The underlying problem is, of course, how one separates the wheat from the chaff. The above assumptions also result in the following problems Problem A (aka "The Szell Issue'): If you don't have the correct person, but you torture the cra...