"If it ain't broke, don't fix it" ???

It’s a pretty nifty saying, isn’t it? Unfortunately it only works for when You don’t understand how it works, and/or You’ve got too many other things to worry about. The problem, of course, is that if you don’t understand how it works, how do you know it’s not broken? Murphy’s law being what it is, you know that the break will reveal itself at the single most inopportune time, right? Ok, that’s not actually fair to Murphy. Broken parts tend to fail under stress, and fail disastrously at that. And stressful situations are typically the situations in which you need the largest amount of cognitive bandwidth to deal with the ongoing chaos, and the last thing you need is something (critical!) rupturing on you. So yeah, of course , the break will reveal itself at the worst possible time. And that is kinda the point he re - if you don’t understand the mechanism, saying “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” ‘cos it seems to work is, quite possibly, the worst possible t...