The Perils of Refactoring Typos

/via Funny cartoon, but the whole " Don’t refactor craetionDtae ”, thing is a bit far-fetched, right You’d probably fix that typo without thinking twice about it, right? Wellllll, maybe not. After all, this might actually be something that is exposed to users (it’s in the API. Yay), so you need to refactor this and the documentation, but that’s OK, you can do that, right? Wellllll, maybe not. Because, now that you look, you notice that you’ve got two sets of typos, craetionDtae and craetionDate , which means that refactoring means that you need to update both of these in the code and the docs, so now it’s 4 things that need to be changed, but it’s ok, you’ve got that, you can do it, right? Wellllll, maybe not. Because, now that you really look, you realize that craetionDate also exists as craetionDates (becaus...