The One Where You *Know* You’re Right

Let’s set the scene. You’re at work, and there’s one of those things happening, where Alice (or Bob) have come to a decision that is self-evidently dumb as far as you’re concerned. You know you’re right, and you know they’re wrong. Or, it could be a bigger thing. This could be a design meeting, and the rest of the team is going down a road that you just don’t agree with. Or even worse, it could be the tech-lead (or product-manager, or your boss) handing down a decision from on-how to do this clearly stupid thing. Soooo, what do you do? • “ F**k-it, it’s not my problem ”? If so, you’re probably seriously burned out, in which case you should move on. Or, you might be in a “collecting a paycheck” kinda place, in which case the rest of this post really isn’t for you. • “ Yup, let’s get it on ! ” Ok, maybe not quite this phrasing, but it does bring up the question of how forcefully you should argue, and/or get into the f...