Hypocrites - the lot of them

When it comes down to it, getting universal health-care is really not all that difficult. Mind you, I'm not going down the road of whether we should have universal health-care or not. If you want to debate that, go find some luddite that you can talk to - preferably while you are sipping a lychee martini in your 'Rich People Only' country club.

So, how do we get there? Easy, everybody in the country gets to participate in the same health-plan that Federal Government employees have. Not for free - they have to pay exactly what the federal government employees do. In fact, lets take it one step further - everybody gets to pick whether they want to be in the Federal Health program, or the one that their State Government employees have. Bingo - instant competition!

And finally, for all those of you who are convinced that the federal government (or state!) should not open up their rolls to other (I'm looking at you oh all you Senators and Congresspeople!), I have one additional feature that adds the requisite checks and balances. The ruling class will not allowed to participate in the federal/state government health programs - they have to go out and get their insurance by themselves in the open market. To quote Martha Stewart, that would be A Good Thing.
Just for grins, lets also define the Ruling Class as all Senators, Members of Congress, Cabinet level and above in the Executive Branch, and for the bar - anyone on the Appeals court or higher.

Come to think of it, you don't need to do both. I'd actually go out on a limb and say that all we have to do is one or the other. If you make the Ruling Class get their own insurance, Dollars to Donuts we'd have far far more affordable insurance available to all.

Incidentally, the existing gift giving regulations should prevent at least some of the hanky panky (free insurance for Senators!) from happening


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