Dave Troy has a couple of fascinating charts showing voting patterns vs population density from this election - and the results should be pretty alarming for Republicans. First, the election results (click to embiggen. A lot) Note that below 800 people per square mile, people vote Republican, but above it, people vote Democratic. (Ignore the x-axis scale changing at 190 - otherwise the chart would get huge ). Or, to put this slightly differently, any densely populated area will vote Democratic . But, we pretty much knew this, i.e., your default election results tend to show that the sparsely populated states are all Red, and the highly populated states are all blue (with the rest somewhere in between) Looking at this a wee bit deeper though makes things a whole lot more interesting. I'll let Dave explain this himself Studying this graph, two important facts are revealed. First, there are very few cities in red states. Second, the few dense cities th...