Airline "Food" - American Airlines Chef's Conclave

Supposedly, AA has a "Chef's Conclave" which puts together the "food" we get to consume in the air.  Last week, I actually *read* the description on my airline meal.
I quote
"To meet your discriminating taste, we have created a range of innovative cuisine.  Many menus are inspired by some of the most highly respected and talented chef's in the United States."

Is it just me, or does this smack of wacky-speak?
Which of these menus?
The one I was looking at last week?  Which included that - be still my beating heart- oh so innovative and cutting edge item Beef Filet?
I wonder which "highly respected and talented chef" came up with that?
I can just see it - Tom Keller, Charlie Trotter and Grant Achatz sharing a doobie -
(deep puff)
"Oooh, I know!  Lets do a Beef Fillet!  Yes! Yes!"
(deep puff)


Anonymous said…
Hmmmnn. Don't really get your point. The 3 chefs you mention don't work for AA. Those chef's wouldn't offer a basic filet mignon as part of any menu they'd do... even for an airline.

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