On That Hatred For Unit Tests

/via http://www.commitstrip.com/en/2016/10/27/a-magical-cure/
Unit tests are a waste of time
Yeah, even in this day and age, you still get this. After all these are the same folks who are convinced — convinced I tell you! — that their s**t doesn’t stink, that code coverage is something that the QA group is responsible for, and that as long as the code works, tests are unnecessary.
It’s a peculiar mindset, born of the #CowboyDeveloper’sabsolute assurance that They Know Best, and that there is nothing new under the sun (unless they discovered it first, of course).
These #TechBros (and they’re always Bros, by the way) can wreak havoc on a dev team, or an organization, and if you have any agency at all, you should weed them out. Tragically, so many of them end up as Founders, CTOs, (CTBrOs?), or both, and continue to perpetuate the cycle, and inflict havoc.


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