Agile - I do not think that word means what you think it means

The thing is, the higher up you go in the organizational food-chain, the more lip-service you get towards agility/flexibility.
Actually, that’s not quite true — you’ll get the commitment, as long as everything goes just right.
The easy part to get buy-in on, the thing that they totally get, is the bit about user feedbackshort sprintsincremental releases, and so on. The part that you have to be very careful about though, is that in their minds, this, literally, translates to a linear progression, where, for example, over 10 sprints, you do 10% of the work each sprint. User Feedback, in their minds, is User Validation!
To belabor the obvious, their intuitive understanding is that there are no “wrong roads taken” and no “failed hypothesis”.
Be very, very, careful about this, and do your damndest to overcome this. If you don’t, you will end up taking the fall!


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