It passed the tests, it’s good to go…

It’s amazing how frequently I see this, y’know? Where “passing tests” is considered proof, as if it has validated the bug-free nature of your code, when all it means is that your code passed the regression tests.
Thats it. No more (and no less, mind you).
Are there still bugs in there? — Yeah!
Will your users find them for you? — Hell yeah!
Will they be found 2am Saturday? — Certamente!
Mind you, if your organization has leveled up, and you’ve built out your deployment pipelines, and you understand that your regression tests are your last barrier, the “it’s the best we can do at this point in time” validation of your system, then, well, you still have bugs, but at the very least you understandthat you still have bugs.
Tragically, in this world of #CowboyDevelopers, that is not the case. I mean, how do you argue with someone who genuinely believes the following?
“I don’t see why I need to write tests for it — *I* wrote this, and it works.”


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