Everything you wanted to know about Load-Balancing, but were afraid to ask (°)

Herewith an excellent overview of the field, as well as a bit of a deep dive to get you acquainted with what’s going on these days.
The future — and present! — is getting way fascinating, with L4 load-balancers moving towards distributed consistent hashing solutions, and L7 ones becoming increasingly popular thanks to the growth of microservices, sidecars, and service-meshes.
“Global load balancing and a split between the control plane and the data plane is the future of load balancing and where the majority of future innovation and commercial opportunities will be found.” — https://goo.gl/7m9sAu
The above is particularly relevant given that the industry seems to have — finally! — embraced Observability, and in particular, the robust and protocol/system specific Observability needed by distributed systems
(°) Or, frankly, didn’t know it even existed in the first place. Especially if you’ve been not paying attention for the last year or two.


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