DB/2 has HOW MANY code bases?

(aka: “Mechanical Sympathy is, very much, a thing”) 
Turns out that DB/2 has FOUR separate code bases for
• AS/400
• VM
• R/6000 (originally OS/2)

They’re all, basically distinct lines (°), with Wildly different hardware/OS models. For example, the AS/400 line has a single level store where memory and disk addresses are indistinguishable and objects can transparently move between disk and memory. It’s a capability-based system where pointers, whether to disk or memory, include the security permissions needed to access the object referenced. Why would you not take advantage of this for your features — let alone, for optimization purposes?
So yeah, in this light, it does make sense, especially when you add in the dictum
market share is even more important than engineering efficiency
(°) Yeah, VM/CMS is a but of a special case, it’s the productization of the System R research system, and is pretty wildly different, both from a language, and an “under the hood” perspective. Whatever…


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