Context is Critical

“Don’t worry about the big picture — I’ve got that. You just focus on your part”
Requirements don’t stand in isolation — the context that they exist in can dramatically affect the implementation. I know, this is straight from the Department of Belaboring The Obvious, but it’s shocking how often you hear this. And yes it’s quite common around Cowboy Developers, but it’s also something that you’ll hear quite frequently in the world of Bad Product Management™.
If you hear this, and are in any position of authority, then put a stop to it. If you’re dealing with n00bs, be sure to hammer home the point that this is unacceptable.
As Deming (•) put it way back when —
Suppose that you tell me that my job is to wash this table. You show to me soap, water, and a brush. I still have no idea what the job is. I must know what the table will be used for after I wash it. Why wash it? Will the table be used to set food on? If so, it is clean enough now. If it is to be used for an operating table, I must wash the table several times with scalding water, top, bottom, and legs; also the floor below it and around it.

(•) “The New Economics for Industry, Government, Education” by W. Edwards Deming


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