Our Race-Neutral Justice System (yes, that is Sarcasm)

Here be statistics from a recent report - The War on Marijuana in Black and White from the ACLU.

Percentage of Whites vs Blacks that have used Marijuana in the last 12 months - roughly the same, with Blacks taking a slight lead.

Percentage of Whites vs Blacks that have never used Marijuana - roughly the same, with Blacks taking a slight lead again.

Arrest rate, per 100,000 for marijuana possession - NOT roughly the same. Not even close.

Arrest rates per 100,000 by region - yup, its nationwide.

Break the same damn thing down by county - virtually all the counties have Blacks arrested 3X more than whites, with a whole bunch in the "greater than 7" category.

Is this race-neutral justice?
Screw "race-neutral" - is this JUSTICE?
No it isn't - and Ta-Nehisi Coates puts it best
The years between 2000 and 2010 do not simply constitute a war on marijuana, but a war on black people who use marijuana.
A rising wave smashes Negroes first.
It is at times like this that I weep for my country...


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