The History of English Puddings - Visualized

J Homersham wades through the entire history of English Puddings.
I don't really know, but we are the better of for it.  Mind you, if you want to know more (a lot more), you're probably better off reading the relevant entry on Food Timeline which contains such gems as
Botellum sic facies: sex ovi vitellis coctis, nucleis pineis concisei cepam, porrum concisum, ius crudum misces, piper minutum et sic intestinum farcies. Adidies liquamen et vinum et sic coques
(from Apicus in Ancient Rome, roughly translated to

"Blood sausage is made as follows: 6 hard-boiled egg yolks, finely chopped pine kernels mixed with onion, finely sliced leek. Mix raw blood with finely ground pepper and fill a pig's intestine with this. Add wine and liquamen and cook. (Ap. 55)
Anyhow, heres the pictorial history (click to embiggen)


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