NYC Tweets by Language - Visualized

Ed Manley and James Chesire analyze tweets from NYC, and the results pretty much point out the polyglot nature of New York.
From their description
English (in grey above) is by far the most popular with Spanish (in blue above) taking the top spot amongst the other language groups.  Portuguese and Japanese take third and fourth respectively. Midtown Manhattan and JFK International Airport have, perhaps unsurprisingly, the most linguistically diverse tweets whilst specific languages shine through in places such as Brighton Beach (Russian), the Bronx (Spanish) and towards Newark (Portuguese). You can also spot international clusters on Liberty Island and Ellis Island and if you look carefully the tracks of ferry boats between them. Ed has written up some more in depth analysis of the data here.
Mind you, nobody seems to be tweeting in Kannada :-)
(The below is an image - go here to see the interactive version)


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