Will someone please make him stop? Do you think he might just go away if we ignore him? Or maybe we can pay him to leave? I've said this before , but its worth repeating - the dude just uses pretty damn much any random factoid that he encounters, whether true or false, as ballast for whatever bullshit point he is trying to make. All the time. Every time. Exhibit A - his latest column , where he is trying to draw some sort of equivalence between India, China, and Egypt. He could have gone with a Standard Freidmanism ā¢ something like " The shared history of these countries dates back to the river-valley civilizations 25,000 years ago " or some such bullshit. But nooo, he goes one better, and basically makes something up out of whole cloth ( emphasis mine) India has a weak central government but a really strong civil society, bubbling with elections and associations at every level. China has a muscular central government but a weak civil society, yet one ...