NFL FIeld Goals - Visualized

From Decision Science News, comes this little bit of awesomeness regarding field-goals.
They took all 10,705 of the field goals in the NFL from 2002 - 2012, and it basically came out to the following
  • At D > 50 yards, you make the Field Goal with probability 0
  • At D < 50 yards, it is 0.951 + .0062*D - 0.005*D^2
Mind you, the other thing I found fascinating was that the coaches not only know this, they pretty much live by this too - with them basically not even bothering at  D > 50
Check out the original!


Rick said…
This data assumes that any field goal of a given distance is comparable to another of the same distance. The other factors and context that affect the success of a field goal are many - location (elevation), weather, wind, who the kicker is - some have a pretty good record over 50 yards, situation (e.g., is the game on the line?). To use this data to generalize probability of your own kicker is totally invalid.

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