Cameras to watch Speed Cameras - The Awesomeness is making my head explode!

I, seriously, could not make this up.  From Ari Ashe at WTOP, we have this gem - New cameras to watch cameras that watch you
Many people find speed cameras frustrating, and some in the region are taking their rage out on the cameras themselves.

But now there's a new solution: cameras to watch the cameras.

One is already in place, and Prince George's County Police Maj. Robert V. Liberati hopes to have up to a dozen more before the end of the year.
Got that?
And, in case you are wondering about why the speed camera can't take the pictures itself, it isn't about people sneaking up from behind
 Speed cameras themselves can't be used for security because under Maryland law speed cameras can only take pictures of speeding, says Liberati.
 The sheer insanity of this whole process is mind-boggling.  Me, i'm waiting for when they put up cameras to monitor these cameras :-)


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