Hurricane-tracking - "Advances in Cartography" Edition

The fine folks at Stamen Design are at it again, w/ a brilliant HTML5 version of their hurricane tracker, now visible on the Weather Channel.
(You need to go their to see it, its not embeddable)
As the Stamen folks put it
  • The client is the Weather Channel (previous work for them here), and we're working directly with meteorologists to ensure that the representations meet their standards.
  • It's in HTML5, so you can view it on an iPad. Which is good!
  • We've made some improvements to the interaction that I never got to take care of in the previous version. The entire histogram (chart at the top) is an active thing you can roll over, for example; the previous version only popped the rollover when you were over the lines.
  • The histogram and the map have a much tighter relationship now. If the whole hurricane path is visible on the map, you'll see the whole thing on the histogram, and visey versey. Conversely, if you change the map so that 1/2 the hurricane is visible, you see 1/2 of it on the histogram. You can see this happening in the images below.
Awesome stuff...


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