Mixology - The Backlash

From the awesome Fog and Smog, comes Mixologist, the Music Video, with the tag line "Hey Mr. Mixologist..., did you have to college for this?
Here it is, in all its glory...

On a side note, check out the items on the menu (helpfully transcribed by Eater)

· The Avon Barksdale: Hennessy, soda, free range heroin foam
· A Wilson's Boulevard of Broken Dreams: Single mash gatorade, bitters, smirnoff ice, human tears
· Moist Yoga Mat: Hemp vodka, 12 year kombucha, wheatgrass with a coconut water back
· Hyphy Hangover: Grape 4 Loko, Peychaud bitters, thizz face
· Chewbacca's Jacuzzi: Kashyyyk champagne, muddled slim jim, carbonite rinse


Chewbacca's Jacuzzi Recipe http://stuffformyfriends.com/2012/08/03/chewbacca-jacuzzi/

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