Democrat Presidents are spendthrifts - Not

@TBPInvictus pulls up a gorgeous comparison of the recent President's performance when it comes to Government Investment & Expenditure, indexed to 100 at inaugaration.
Ok, in simple-ese, the size of the Gummint through the President's term, starting at 100 on day 0.
So we all know exactly what to expect right?
Under the Republicans (Reagan, Bush I, Bush II), Gummint size goes down, and under Clinton and that Evil Evil Obama, it goes up, right?
Here you go.

Oh wait, that can't be right, can it?
Turns it it is - Clinton & Obama are, by a pretty huge margin, the presidents that have presided over the slowest growth in Gummint, with it actually shrinking under Obama.
I think Invictus puts it best when he says
So, it’s clear to see what spendthrifts the Democrats have been and how fiscally responsible the Republicans are what a canard it is to claim that Obama has been spending like a drunken sailor. In fact, Clinton and Obama have been the most fiscally responsible of the last five administrations – by a long shot (and do we really need to talk about St. Ronnie?). Of course, none of this matters because people just know what they know, notwithstanding the facts.
Oh, and do we really need to discuss what the graph above would look like rendered on a per capita basis?


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