Europeans! Argh!

Last time I was in Heathrow, the chap next to me had, on successive calls, spoken in fluent Italian, Swedish, and English. (To be precise, the English was fluent, the Italian sounded fluent, and I'm guessing about the Swedish).
In fact, the whole place tends to be filled with polyglots - its terribly annoying.
<long pause>
Sigh - I just realized that when I'm in India, conversation at home tends to seamlessly switch across at least three languages (English, Hindi, and Kannada).
I'm just as bad as the rest of them.
Oh, what the heck - Indians! Aargh!
 I guess I'll never be a "real" American :-)

Come to think of it, Erlang?  Perl?  Java (ugh)?  Cobol?  Lisp?   Aren't most of these languages too?


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