VoIP Geek - Thats me (cough, cough)

I stumbled upon the iFusion phone dock while searching for something completely different (isn't that the way it always works?  Its exactly like the NVX 610, just not as spectacularly expensive.
Anyhow, its basically a 'desktop dock' for the iPhone, which basically answers the question
Why have a separate desk-phone, and a mobile phone?  You should just have your mobile phone, and if you happen to be near your desk, you can take your mobile calls on your desk phone.
Ok, I know, you're thinking to yourself "So?  Who cares?".  A lot of people, as it turns out. You get better voice quality, and its more comfortable to boot (unless you're one of those people who likes to walk around with a headset that is :-) )

Anyhow, I'm now google-ing for an Android version...


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