Kahneman (Thinking Fast & Slow)

From the world of Behavioral Economics - Kahneman's book is both fascinating and depressing.  Depressing, because it is never entertaining to realize that we are not the rational beings that we (and all of the Chicago School doofi) believe ourselves to be.

Go buy it, and read it..  Thinking Fast and Slow...

p.s.  For those who are unaware, Kahneman & Tversky are - effectively - the parents of Behavioral Economics.  They collaborated on prospect theory, which focuses on how humans handle decisions involving risk (in the real world, i.e., these aren't the optimal decisions that rational beings - whatever those are - would make, but ones that actually get made by humans...).  Tversky died in 1996, and Kahneman received the nobel prize for their work in 2002.


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