Ericsson on the growth of Mobile Data

Ericsson has a new report out which obsessively details the growth of Mobile Data and Traffic.  You can go read the whole thing (hey, I did!), but there are some highlights which are quite relevant

1) People use less than 5GB/month.  If you eliminate file-sharing and video, this is pretty much a guarantee.  And yes, the 5GB includes online media.

2) Hogs watch videos.  On the other hand, people that use more than 5GB/month are almost certainly going over by watching videos.  Which also makes sense - after all, its tough to suck up data without streaming video!

3) Metro areas are growing. The largest growth in subscriber base is going to be in Metro areas.  Given the already high density in these areas, and the crappy existing quality, it pretty much guarantees that we're going to see more wi-fi/femto-cell implementations a-la Republic wireless

4) No Videos during dinner.  Mobile PCs (?laptops on the road?) are largely used for work, and file sharing, while people use phones for pretty much everything - and mostly videos.  Strangely enough, Mobile PCs are used during the day fairly steadily, while phones get used pretty much at any time, except during dinner.

(Hat tip to GigaOm for the charts)


dieswaytoofast said…
Sprint has a new plan out that provides 6GB on your table for $50... (

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