BigData - Volume, Variety, Velocity (and Variability?)

IBM seemed to have the definitive word in the definition of BigData, i.e.,

  • Volume - Quantity.  D-uh.
  • Variety - Different types of data, such as audio, video, text, etc.
  • Velocity - The rate at which this data changes

To the above, Forrester (hidden behind a paywall, of course), wants to add a fourth term

  • Variability - The different meanings/contexts associated with a given piece of data
It does makes sense.  I have always referenced Variety to subsume Variability, but it probably makes sense to call it out as its own distinct entity.


Doug Laney said…
Great to see IBM, and many other vendors and consultants, finally get on board with the 3Vs concept I created at Gartner over ten years ago. Tho it's sad to see other research orgs claim the idea as theirs. Anyone interested in the original 2001 article on the 3Vs ("Three Dimensional Data Challenge"), feel free to reach me. -Doug Laney, VP Research, Gartner

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