There Can Be Only One

Ok, maybe more than one specific wine, but frankly, if you are floating around Indian and feel the urge to consume a decent glass of wine, your choices are
  1. Get a bottle of Sula Something, Grover SomethingElse, or Kinvha SomethingAltogetherDifferent, followed by a little bit of hoping for the best, and a lot of "Meh, it doesn't really suck"
  2. Get a bottle of Grover Viognier, Sula Chenin/Sauvignon Blanc, or Big Banyan Whatever, and actually not be disappointed.
  3. Buy a bottle of massively overpriced "imported" wine - typically australian - and think to yourself "I am paying $20 for this $7 bottle of wine, and heck, if I was in the U.S., I would not be paying $7 either"
On second thoughts, skip the whole exercise, and get a bottle of chilled Kingfisher Beer instead.  Much easier on the palate, and actually quite good...


Amol Bhure said…
Always. b33r-till-sl33p :P

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