Democrats better than Republicans at cutting Government Spending? (Wait, What?)

Remember this post showing how Government spending goes up more under Republican Presidents as compared to Democrats?  To refresh your memory, heres the key slide
The chart shows, in a nutshell, that Clinton & Obama are - by a pretty huge margin - the presidents that have presided over the slowest growth in Gummint, with it actually shrinking under Obama.
(I'll wait while you stop frothing and gibbering.  Then again, you've probably never looked at this anyhow, so lets just continue) 

As it turns out, theres more!
@TBPInvictus breaks the above out into three of the four major Gummint spending categories (Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Not defense, because, who wants to cut defense in this country?), and the results, as expected, match the above chart.  The bottom lines are
  • Regan was by pretty much all standards the worst offender of the lot
  • Bush 1 keeps Regan from batting a 1000 by taking the Medicaid crown
  • Obama is - almost everywhere - the president that has cut spending the most
  • The only thing keeping Obama from batting a 1000 is Social Security,where he is, basically, at par.
  • Clinton (noooooooo!) turns out to have been better than Reagan (never! I deny this!) or either of the Bushes.
Really?  Can this be?
Check it out
Social Security
and as a bonus, Federal Employee Compensation 

So yeah, the bottom line (to the bottom line) is that if you care about reducing the size of government spending (Yes! You! I'm talking to you, who is so clearly frothing at the mouth about this, even though Austerity Now! Austerity Forever! is destroying economies all around), you want to vote for a Democrat as President.  Because they clearly do better, and the Republicans, even more clearly do worse.

You're probably best off Rolling for Disbelief right now.
Then again, you might want to vote for Gary Johnson for President (he seems a lot saner than all of them...)



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